Insanity workout plyometric cardio circuit dailymotion
Insanity workout plyometric cardio circuit dailymotion

I have stopped snacking on crisps and biscuits, I have gotten into a whole foods plant based diet which has given me more energy and lightness and I have stopped consuming processed foods, fats and animal proteins. I also realized as the first week comes to an end, that I have become more aware of what I eat. So don’t beat yourself up for slowing down, taking a lot of breaks etc. The people who are demonstrating Insanity are often people who had been through the program a few times before they were included as part of the recording so there is no obligation or expectation that right off the bat you or I have to keep up with them because unless you are an active individual who has the stamina to keep up you won’t be able to and that is going to discourage you and make you feel disapointed. You should only be competing against yourself NOT the folks on the video. This means you don’t have to keep up with the people on the video you can do the exercises at your own pace but remember with each consecutive routine that is repeated make a decision to try to go a bit faster, add one more move before you decide to stop. But if you like I did are coming from a background of sedentary living then its a stretch to ask you to push themselves to do something that you are not used to doing. It helps foster an exercise routine….that gets you results. I am not encouraging laziness or talking myself out of establishing a routine because that’s what programs like Insanity does which is positive and which I appreciate. Somedays you have to give yourself a break and the other days you PUSH till kingdom comes. What I’ve learned is to do things in moderation. And then Thursday came around and I just couldn’t do it my head was spinning, I was out of breath and I felt weak and my form had literally gone to the dogs so I stopped. Now there will be moments when you just don’t feel like you have the strength/stamina to do a workout and I’ve been in those moments trust me and often I do push myself to do the routine despite it being a drag, not having the motivation or energy BUT I WOULD PUSH myself regardless. I saw ‘Pure Cardio’ and literally said to the television “No thank you Shaun T I’m going to sit this one out!” And that’s exactly what I did – to my dismay! The first week’s almost done and I have already fallen off the wagon once ie. Ohh…dear what did I get myself into?! Okay so since I haven’t been doing Insanity and its been a few years since I initially did it I thought its high time I get back on the wagon. That’s it for Plyometric Cardio Circuit. Peace out and Dig Deep! The workout ends with cool down stretches and breathing exercises like the ones you did during the warm up. Finishing up #2 Drills with Jabs, Cross jacks, Uppercuts, Kung-fu Attacks.#2 Drills: Basketball drills, Ski abs, Level one drills (pushups + floor sprints), In-out abs.Finishing up #1 Drills with Switch feet, Football wide sprints – you get a 30 second water break here before going on to.# 1 Drills: Suicide drills, Power squats, Mountain climbers, Ski jumps – repeated 3 times.The exercises you find in this circuit are: This is the secret behind this exercise program that defers from conventional exercises where the graph flips to offer larger chunks of rest time and short bursts of intensity which doesn’t offer that much of a workout. The premise behind setting up the exercises this way is I nterval Training – which allows your heart rate to shoot up while you workout for larger chunk of time and allow it to briefly come down while you rest for a short while before you start over again at high intensity. You will feel a lot of things you haven’t felt before like your feet going numb, losing breath, wanting to barf, choking on water your drinking, light headed-ness, profusely sweating+ sweat dripping, wanting to give up, among other things.

insanity workout plyometric cardio circuit dailymotion

Once you’re done with the stretches you get into the tough bit starting off with – # 1 drills.

insanity workout plyometric cardio circuit dailymotion insanity workout plyometric cardio circuit dailymotion

‘putting in effort’ you WILL notice you sweat a lot more during the stretches than the warm up which I found interesting!

insanity workout plyometric cardio circuit dailymotion

Insanity workout plyometric cardio circuit dailymotion series#

The stretch sequence has a series of breathing exercises and stretches, if you are doing them whole heartedly ie. Once that’s done there is a short break (about 30 secs), and you go into a stretch sequence (which is really important to prevent injuries and Shaun T does stress this in practically all of his videos). This helps your muscles warm up, makes you sweat (a little – or a lot) and gets your heart beat going. The warm-up routine is repeated three times -each time getting progressively faster. The warm-up consists of jogging, jumping jacks, Heismans, 1-2-3 Heismans, butt kicks, high knees, and mummy kicks. Alrighty then… the Insanity workout officially starts off with the Plyometric Cardio Circuit workout.

Insanity workout plyometric cardio circuit dailymotion